IEEE offers a variety of scholarships, grants, and fellowships for IEEE Student members who submit a project or paper for consideration are awarded with the opportunity to win and gain peer recognition for your effort.
IEEE organizes numerous technical as well as professional conferences at global level. Apart from this, it assists the conduction of conferences by accepting applications from IEEE units across the globe.
IEEE provides a wide range of quality publications that make the exchange of technical knowledge and information
possible among technology professionals which are delivered to IEEE members through IEEE Xplore.
IEEE is a leading developer of industry standards with nearly 1,300 standards and projects under development which are associated with technologies that drive the functionality of a range of products and services.
IEEE Collabratec is an integrated, online community where technology professionals can network, collaborate and create in one central hub with exclusive features for IEEE members.
The IEEE Foundation is a leader in transforming lives through technology and education. It inspires an engaged community and leverages the generosity of donors to enable IEEE programs enhancing technology access, literacy, and education.